Family Matters(tm) Copyright 1995, 1996 Ray Nicklas dba MatterWare All Rights Reserved 26 Jan 1996 Welcome to Family Matters(tm). If you have registered your copy of Family Matters, you have the ability to store as many persons in as many different files as you wish. If you have not yet registered, the only limitation is that the sample data file is limited to 10 families. Payment of the registration / order fee will provide you with a User ID, Key Code, and the latest version by mail. If you already use a genealogy program, Family Matters can import your GEDCOM data. Whether registered or not, import as much as you like, though the un-registered version will not allow additions once the ten-family limit is exceeded. Family Matters(tm) is a new Windows Genealogy program from MatterWare, authored by Ray Nicklas, reachable at Family Matters' advanced features include: - All functions available while using FM's Family Group Form, - Lineage-Linked Relational Database powered by the MS Jet Database Engine, - Several users can work on the same database at the same time, - Drag, resize, and dock the Toolbar anywhere on the screen, - Print Pedigree Charts, Descendancy Charts, Individual and Family Group Reports, - Form objects resize themselves to fit your computer's screen resolution, - Rich GEnealogical Data COMmunications (vers 5.4) file import and export, - Microsoft Access application with all the necessary run-time programs supplied, - Sequential, lineage, and random access of families and family members, - Free-form text entry of over 65,000 characters for each individual, and - Include photographs of families and family members. INSTALLATION from MatterWare floppies. RUN the Setup program on Disk 1 from the Program Manager's FILE menu. INSTALLATION from downloaded .zip files. Unzip the four downloaded files into a single temporary directory; not the directory you intend to install Family Matters into. Next, RUN the Setup program fron the FILE menu on the Program Manager. Choose a different directory from the one in which Setup is in. SUPPORT. The User ID and Key Code supplied when you register will unlock updated versions of Family Matters that you may later download. After version 2.20, the first download file (FMxxx1.ZIP) will contain everything you need to upgrade. Also, on the Internet, the Web site will contain the necessary replacement files, and instructions for updating. Additionally, there is now a Family Matters message board in the America Online Genealogy Club. Should you decide not to purchase Family Matters, please drop me a line and tell me what features you felt you needed, what version number you tried, and what caused you to choose not to purchase at this time. Please also indicate the relative importance of your needs. Please read the file LICENSE.TXT for a full discussion of your use and distribution rights. See ORDERS.TXT for registration and ordering information. See VERSIONS.TXT for a version/release/upgrade history. Good luck on your Ancestral Hunt. Ray Nicklas MatterWare P.O. Box 2221 Valrico, Florida 33594-2221 Access and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. Family Matters is a trademark of MatterWare.